Monday, April 29, 2013


I'm Alexandra (Ally, Ally-cat, Tbone, etc.). I was born in a little town in Indiana, consisting of about ten thousand people the last time I checked. Through various circumstances, I've come to abide in Hampton Roads Virginia, or as my great grandfather so gracefully puts it, "swampland." Personally, I think he's right and after sitting through handfuls of hurricanes and hearing about the outerbanks getting wiped out every time the wind blows, I always have to wonder why the settlers didn't just keep moving inland, but that's a discussion for another post. I live with my mom, step dad, two brothers, sister, and dog (Dad lives in Indi with his family). My mom is hilariously amazing. We have so much fun and she's smart, helpful, and caring. She seriously loves to clean way too much. I tell her it's weird, but at least our house isn't dirty. My step dad is funny and knows so much. You could ask him nearly anything and he could probably keep a conversation going with you for a while, which can be awesome, unless you're waiting on him while he's talking to someone, then it isn't so awesome haha. My siblings are all younger than me. They can get on my nerves sometimes, but I love them to death and, not meaning to brag, but they are cute if I do say so myself. My oldest younger brother, let's call him Thing#1 (to make it easier and also to spare their names on the internet), thinks I am the least fun person in the universe. Let's just say we get on each other's nerves often, but we can have a good time if we try. My other brother, Thing#2, is really entertaining and has Autism (I'm sure there will eventually be a related post). My sister, Thing#3, is adorable and funny. She is constantly saying something hilarious that my parents and I laugh about. 
I was homeschooled. Although I don't understand how my poor mom made it through educating me, I'm grateful and I loved it. Now, I'm attending a local community college and just finishing up my second semester. Honestly, even though it can be ridiculous at times, I love college (even though I'm currently sitting amongst a pile of books and papers). I started driving about three months ago, which has been freeing and horrifying for my family and I at the same time. I can be really clueless at times, but I laugh at my own sillyness. For instance, it took me two months to figure out not only that I had windshield wiper fluid but also how to use it. My friends laughed, but it's not like anyone told me how and I had no reason to figure it out really (or, at least, I'm using that as my excuse). I hadn't even thought about it. Moving on, I'm a liberal arts major, but I'm planning on going on to study English and eventually Library Science. At least, that's the plan at this point, but you know how that can be.
I'm a photographer. Everything feels better with a camera in my hands. I'm not generally as adventurous as some people, but, for a picture, I can be kind of reckless (generally standing in the middle of roads). I play guitar and sing, neither of which I do very well, but I enjoy music. I love the way the right song can sum up exactly how you feel in that moment. It's kind of my outlet when I just need to breath. I'm addicted to Pinterest, Starbucks, Instagram, texting, sweet tea, and Netflix/Hulu. New Girl is my current favorite tv show, hands down. My favorite recent movie is Pitch Perfect. I've literally seen it probably 7 times now ("I'm horizontal running!"). My friends and I stay entertained by texting quotes from that movie back and forth to each other (yes, we don't have enough to do obviously). On break from school, I read all the time. Jane Austen is my favorite, of course. Can you blame me? My best friend and I have silly sleepovers where we do crazy makeup and make videos of us pretending to be superheros all around the house. I love sweatpants and I have to will myself not to wear them all the time. I generally confine my sweatpants to the house, just so I don't get any lazier. I have a lot of words that I just simply don't like, to be honest they're mostly words with sexual connotations (fornication is one, for instance). Ketchup makes almost all food better, except hot dogs. Hot dogs freak me out (so do ostriches). In fact, my parents tried to chase me around the house with them last week. Yes, apparently that is how they keep themselves entertained. I brake for birds. I save turtles and have been yelled at over a loud-horn by the police for doing so. I lose my phone or the remote once every 5 minutes minimum. All my mom ever hears is, "Mom, where's my phone?" She should start actually hiding it. Wait, maybe she does. New paranoia kicking in. I'm really protective of my family and friends. I love cute old people and I may or may not have taken a picture of one in a grocery store parking lot one day. I should probably keep that to myself... God is my rock, when everything falls apart He holds me together. I hate conflicts with other people. I'm impatient and insecure. I'm so imperfect and I'll admit that. I'm open about myself and my struggles if you just ask. I love the country. I can get overwhelmed by stress and when that happens I go on long walks with Pandora on just to clear my head.
This blog is in the works at this point and I'm still working on some ideas, but I thought maybe you could use a little (or not so little) blurb about me. Honestly, I'm pretty simple.


  1. Ally! You are just so stinking cute. I loved reading your post. I'll add you blog to the list of ones I already follow. Stephen and I just watched Pitch Perfect and loved it too. Your quote literally made me laugh out loud. Haha! Looking forward to more of your posts! :)

  2. Hey hey HEY, its me Neale showing some love. I can't wait to read more of your posts. Being a student of the the same local community university you attend, I myself am aware of this crazy college life you speak of. Im hip to the bone:)
