Monday, March 18, 2013

5 days...

It’s hard to believe that two years ago I was taking this picture for this beautiful young lady. Smart, confident, gorgeous, with an overflowing love for Christ as her king, she has made me smile ever since I met her. When I took this picture, we weren’t nearly as close as we are now. Currently, we are five days away from her wedding, of which she has bestowed the honor upon me to be the photographer. She has been one of the calmest, most collected, and charming brides I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing while in the midst of planning her wedding in a 3 month span. Although she jumped many hurdles in the process, I have yet to hear one complaint and I can only pray that I’m as patient as her when my wedding someday approaches. I’m going to sincerely miss this girl when she moves away with her new hubby, but I’m praying for the best for their future. So here’s to Caitlin! (and I supposed Joe too…) 

Revamping, life, blog, and heart...

Where have I been? Not that I have any followers or anything, but I have been on a kind of sabbatical just thinking over my motives behind and goals for this blog. I noticed as I read through some posts, that I'd made them all especially "put-together" and brag-y, if that makes any sense. It was kind of like I had everything together and all the answers to everything. However, that is not the case and I've realized the pride behind that implication. I don't always get stellar grades, don't spend the time I should studying, take too many Pinterest break, and very commonly have to will myself not to just wear sweatpants to class all the time, and that's just a few things on the list. I've seen the preppy, college girls with their amazing lives plastered all over blogs with spectacular (and I'm guessing very time consuming) posts and pictures and that's not what I want this to be about. I want to be real about my life and, if I'm not, I give you, as my friends, family or kind readers, permission to point that out to me. Now, let's get on with this!