The little things tend to overwhelm me, sometimes in good ways and
sometimes in bad, but I'd like to focus on the good ones because I feel
like I generally take them for granted...
Thing#3's laugh when I tickle her.
Thing#2's weird thing where he has to kiss both your cheeks like he's from England.
hugs where you're both holding on so tight and don't want to let go.
You just stand there in silence, but it feels like the moment couldn't
last long enough. Especially if you're saying goodbye for however many
months and I know these hugs all too well.
Perfect, 73 degree days, with small breezes interspersed, sunny, but not burning.
rolled down, a song comes on at the exact moment and explains what
you're feeling perfectly and you sing at the top of your lungs.
Baby animals.
Good morning text messages, especially from the boy you like.
Oversized sweat shirts that you can just hang out in and not care at all.
Sweat pants. Yes.
Driving alone, long straight-aways on a country road, night or day, just solitude.
Getting a good grade on a test that you totally thought you failed.
People liking your actual personality.
Walking alone, praying, in silence, just the wind to accompany you.
Finally peeing after you've been holding it for hours in the car.
The sound of the shutter going off. Lightning fast.
The way guys smell when they have cologne on. Oh my!
Randomly breaking out in song and your friends spontaneously joining you.
Protective friends that threaten to beat up anyone that hurts you.
Waking up in the morning to the sun coming up and everyone else being asleep.
Taking off your bra at the end of the day.
Random people asking how you're doing and waving.
Small towns. After growing up here, I think it's so cute and cool when everyone knows each other wherever you go.
Visiting places you've never been before and just being.
A long awaited reuniting.
The "I've missed you more than you could ever understand" hug.
Hating things everyone else pretends to love...
The first day wearing shorts and short sleeves after it's been cold and the first day wearing a jacket after it's been warm.
Inside jokes.
People playing with your hair.
Bed after a really strenuous day.
Naps that just fall over you.
Working for consecutive hours on stuff that really must get done, and not moving, but feeling really accomplished when you finally get everything done.
Telling someone how you really, really feel.
Getting stuff off your chest.
Losing yourself in a book and finishing it in a day.
Remembering something that you had forgotten, but that you were really trying to remember (even though it's usually a day later when you don't need to know it).
Changes for the good.
Curling your hair to make you feel like a real woman ;)
Being accidentally ditzy and people laughing at you.
People calling you "the blonde."
Instagramming your life away.
Amazing and unique hashtags.
Sweet tea (from the south, cause those crazies up north just don't understand).
Northern BBQ
Country. The snowy Christmas days. Field after
field of corn and the way it's in those rows and looks awesome when you
pass by it in a car.
Old people gossiping on front porches.
Babies...Oh, how I love babies!
Sour gummy worms!!!
Popping your back when it hurts.
A/C. Oh my of the greatest inventions ever, especially when you live in the blisteringly hot south.
Pretty handwriting.
Cute old people.
Boys that think you're funny and make you laugh too.
When you're upset and someone seriously tells you everything will be all right.
Not knowing you want to be friends with someone until they barge into your life and become your best friend on accident.
Smelling amazing.
Having literally nothing that you need to do.
Basking in the sun...I can only do this for about 2 minutes though until I just end up getting burnt to a crisp.
Kids/friends falling asleep on you.
Sleeping in someones arms.
Cuddling. Hands-down, one of the best things ever.
Thing#3 using "ask" & "tell" wrong
Doing Yoga.
Making unexpected friends.
The way my mom always knows where my phone is when I lose it, which is very frequently...
Coffee, of course...
Holding little kid's hand...(Not just random children, mind you. I prefer ones that I know and like.)
Office supplies, especially, but not limited to, amazing pens and mechanical pencils
The perfect song...
Making lists of things you love that couldn't possibly fit everything...
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