Monday, March 31, 2014

1,000 Gifts-The First One Hundred

If we never really acknowledge gifts, how thankful are we in reality? We cover over everything with a prayer of, "Lord, thank you for everything you've given us." We brush over and cover everything in one large stroke, while crossing thankfulness off our check list of "good" things to do. "Oh, yeah, I'm thankful," we say whenever the subject is brought up, but we don't (I certainly don't) live lives that shout, "Thank God!" Obviously we aren't because in the next 5 minutes we proceed to grumble about very specific things, yet our thanksgiving isn't nearly so specific. We complain, "school is hard, my neighbor is a pain, my husband and I are fighting," but never "my daughter made me a card this morning, our whole family successfully recovered from the flu, and my car is running great at 150,000 miles!"
As you may or may not have guessed, I'm reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. The English-lover in me is enthralled by her writing style, but there's so much truth and meaning behind her words. I think I'm only in the fifth chapter or so, but I've started my own 1,000 gifts list and I'm going to start posting them here (every one hundred, I will post). Not only will in keep me accountable to keep going, but I want to inspire you to see considerably "small" things and thank God for them.
P.S.-If there are missing numbers, they are most likely too personal to share, or they are mushy and about my boyfriend and I don't feel the need for everyone to see. I hope that is understandable.

1,000 Gifts 
  1. sunsets casting shadows over the field 
  2. when he calls me "hun" 
  3. pitter-patter of feet across the floor 
  4. falling asleep with the teddy bear he got me clutched to my chest 
  5. snail mail-handwritten 
  6. little kisses on my cheeks as baby sister goes to bed 
  7. the soft whirring of the dishwasher to lull me to sleep 
  8. the dog basking in the sunlight 
  9. blind-light leaving stripes on carpet 
  10. planes leaving their white stripes in the sky 
  11. footsteps down the hall-the individuality in them 
  12. starbursts off street lights and headlights 
  13. big, comfy t-shirts 
  14. cold feet finding warm safety in the comfort of blankets 
  15. anticipation-the good kind-counting the days 
  16. the sound of a car shifting into gear 
  17. seeing breath in fridgid air 
  18. watching kids play pretend-imaginations so fluent 
  19. phone light blinking when he sends a message 
  20. sunlight streaming across the empty parking lot 
  21. little old ladies strolling around with their carts 
  22. the most unlikely friendships-so out of the ordinary, but so cherished 
  23. beautiful nails 
  24. "grandpa" buying me coffee 
  25. singing happy birthday 
  26. chilly, snow-covered yard 
  27. car hitting another 1,000 miles 
  28. him saying "I love you"
  29. spanish with customers 
  30. sleeping until you wake up on your own 
  31. burning showers-relaxing 
  32. the busy-flurrying of snow 
  33. letting down your hair 
  34. sinking into bed-cuddling warm blankets 
  35. the soft rise and fall of sleeping chests 
  36. still quietness early in the morning or late at night 
  37. being used as the "perfect" pillow 
  38. warming cold, freezing feet 
  39. joints popping from use 
  40. snow stuck to tree limbs 
  41. quietly watching the busyness around you 
  42. squawking of seagulls 
  43. sitting inside, warm, watching people drive around in slush 
  44. birthday Starbucks 
  45. birthday signaling adulthood 
  46. getting lost in story 
  47. reminiscing; memories 
  48. pictures-captured moments 
  49. burping of the humidifier 
  50. laying on the floor, dog laying beside me with his head rested on my back 
  51. perfect song matching the mood 
  52. listening to children play
  53. dog squeaking toys 
  54. the way smells remind you of so many things 
  55. the sound of busy cars passing the house
  57. Dad blowing water out of his razor 
  58. clothes freshly out of the dryer 
  59. listening to them play Mario Kart 
  60. favors-given and returned 
  61. inspiration from other photographers 
  62. crocheting like a little old lady 
  63. raindrops on windows 
  64. his arms holding me tight 
  66. getting to do lists finished 
  67. holding his hand 
  68. his hugs 
  71. succulents 
  73. how he plays with kids 
  74. strolling around stores with him 
  76. dad and Chase in their scout uniforms 
  77. red nails; making me feel like a lady 
  78. brightly lit night skies-stars and moon gleaming 
  79. "I found my heart. It's in Virginia." -Daniel 
  80. how he loves me-speaking Jesus into me 
  82. date nights 
  83. beautiful, seemingly painted skies 
  85. warm days 
  87. praying with him 
  88. watching movies together 
  90. him baking with me 
  92. safe car 
  93. cold ocean lapping at toes 
  94. tulips 
  95. first tattoo 
  96. breaks from technology 
  97. gift giving 
  98. post cards 
  99. little black dresses 
  100. when he dresses up 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friends Friday: Michaella Jelin

Name: Michaella Jelin
Age: 20
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Occupation: Photographer, Designer, and Student 

 Isn't she gorgeous?! I have hair-envy!
How did you get into photography and design? 
I’ve always had a passion for art, growing up with an Architect as a dad, I’ve been surrounded by it and influenced by it since day 1.  I spent my younger years in the performing arts, and spent most of my life wanting to be a professional musician when I grew up.  I would draw and doodle on everything, but didn’t really ever think much of it. It wasn’t until my sophomore year in high school that I discovered my passion for photography and design.  I signed up for a digital imaging course on a whim, and it really was love at first shot.  I saved up all my money for a starter DSLR camera, and took pictures of everything and anything.  I truly owe my whole career to that first imaging course I took at Model High School (in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan).  Without it, I’m not sure when/if I would’ve discovered my love and passion for photography and design. 

What does your average day look like? 
As a student, during the school year my days are pretty crazy. I typically wake up in the morning, make myself a pot of french press, plan out what my day is going to look like, and start tackling it.  This semester, I have later afternoon/night classes, so I spend my mornings working on a mix of freelance design or photography jobs, and the mass amounts of homework I have.  After making myself lunch, and getting ready for the day, I drive my 30 minute commute to Atlanta, and am in class until 8-8:30 at night.  If I’m not staying after class at school to finish up projects, I’m either taking a break spending some time with friends, or driving back home to finish up some work and get some sleep.  Although being a student and doing my own design & photography thing on the side is crazy busy, if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that I can’t do it all even thought I want to. Taking time everyday to relax, even if just for a half hour at the end of the day is crucial. 

What is one thing you can't live without? 
A camera of some sort. Whether it’s my iPhone camera or my professional one, I can never go anywhere without one. There are too many inspiring moments that happen every day I want to document and save for later inspiration. 

Any secret hobbies?
Although it’s not really a hobby anymore, I used to play ice hockey when I lived in Michigan, and loved it. Unfortunately, it’s not too big of a sport down here in Georgia, but I still try and go skating when I can! And I love watching my Detroit Red Wings play some puck!
What is your go-to outfit? 
A floral dress + combat boots. I can’t live without my various pairs of combat boots! 

Where do you find inspiration for your work? 
The biggest inspirations I find are all around me, in my every day life. I find beauty in the small things, the small details of life and people I meet. I truly think everything and everyone is beautiful in their own quirky unique ways, and taking the time to take in all of my surroundings is my biggest inspiration. It can be something as simple as the way the sunlight hits my table in the morning, or the way someone sits in a coffee shop. There’s inspiration literally everywhere, you just have to be open to noticing it. People and their stories inspire me more than anything, it’s why I do what I do.
You can also see more of what inspires me on my instagram (@yellowbirdvisuals) or on my pinterest (@michaellajelin)
If you could give advice to your 16 year old self, what would it be? 
Oh gosh, the things I wouldn’t tell my 16 year old self! The biggest thing I would tell myself, is to be patient. To enjoy every moment, and to appreciate everything for what it is. The grass is never greener on the other side, and patience really is a virtue.  I would also tell my past (and current) self to not put so much pressure on myself. The big guy upstairs has got a plan for me, I just have to work hard, stay humble, and have faith in myself, and things will work out eventually the way they’re meant to be. Stressing out does nothing but pull you back. 

Current obsessions?
Plants, iced coffee, hats, sparkling lemonade, all things gold and yellow, and dreaming of traveling around the country in an airstream.

Coffee or tea or neither? 
Coffee by day, tea by night. Although if forced to choose between the two, I would definitely pick coffee, it’s my lifeline.  

You can check out Michaella's Pinterest, Instagram, and Website.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friends Friday: "Grandpa"

At first, he was just your average customer. Then I started to realize he came in nearly everyday. After many meetings, and considering he knew my name from a nametag, I asked his name. He was my friend after that. He's an old man with long sideburns and a goatee. I've never seen him without his baseball cap or grey jacket. He comes in and gets lunch, dinner, or a snack. He never wants his receipt or a bag-just paid stickers-bright orange and obvious, printed with "PAID, THANK YOU." He pays for his food and sits by Starbucks. His general greeting is "Hey Hun!" When he pays for his food he always tells me I'm making him poor, but tells me to come get a coffee at Starbucks-he's buying. When I get off at 2 every Saturday, he comes in and waits for me at Starbucks to buy me a drink. Then I sit and he tells me stories from his 75 years. He jokes on me and I laugh as he eats ribs or something and I drink coffee/creamer. We part ways. I say "Thank you" and he says, "you're very welcome Hun!" Our weeks then start over again. We call him Grandpa.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Daniel & I

My momma took us to Red Robin for lunch after church.

Our date night. He was romantic and we got all dressed up. He bought me flowers, took me to dinner, and took me to watch the sunset.

Fort Story lighthouses. First, they made us all get out of the car like criminals and then they let us go see the lighthouses.

I'm sorry ya'll, but my parents are adorable!

Daniel had never been to the Atlantic, so we took a warm day and made a family trip of it.